by Sadie Rebecca Starnes
Artillery Magazine
February 23, 2016

The black star, of semi-classical gravity theory, is an alternative to the black hole of general relativity. The black star’s infalling matter is converted to dark or vacuum energy—there is no singularity, no information-destroying void, as in the black hole. The black star need not have an event horizon, or point of no return. Theoretically, this star is eternal as its vacuum energy is unlimited.

The black hole is a collapsing star; the black star is of self-energy, and hovers between collapsing and collapsed, between living and dead, between theory and reality: it is the astrological Lazarus, for whom the Western world learned it’s most memorable verse—Jesus wept. (John, 11:35)

From Brooklyn, on a Sunday called January 10th, 2016, I stood at the end of a pier watching an unseasonably warm and torrential storm front pass through. A bloated and bruised rain cloud loomed over Manhattan, begging to be relieved against the jagged cityscape. The rain then fell—hard and luscious. The sky was opening and closing at speedy intervals that, in retrospect, resembled violent sobs. I had just been jogging and was chilled to the bone with sweat and rain, but loved watching the milky East River undulate beneath such a twilit tempest. It was a beautiful and terrible day.

When I realized this morning that David Bowie had passed—in Manhattan, no less, as I was gazing across the river—the entire perspective of that Sunday storm, Blackstar, “Lazarus,” and the life of one David Robert Jones shifted seamlessly into place. Released just a few days earlier on his birthday, Bowie’s final record, Blackstar (a black star symbol) was completely realized only with his own death. By its artful and supernatural timing, Blackstar is a wise-eyed nod to Bowie’s own legacy—his most graceful balance of experience against eternity. While a dead pop star may only live on through cover bands, the black star lives on without us. Feeding on its own light, this star consumes energy without destroying it—it is a force against nature.

To our earthly eyes, the black star is identical to the black hole—it traps its own light, rendering itself invisible, unfathomable. We theorize, quite humanly, as we attempt to stargaze. The star’s placement is deciphered in the sky only by traces of matter yet to be absorbed: our eyes follow the shape of the vessel, of the lacunae, but cannot decipher what is within. We can report death, but none can report from within it: Look up here, I’m in heaven…dropped my cell phone down below.

What is art but salve for the mortal? We attempt to muffle death with matter, with the residue of our existence. Bowie was not an alien, nor immortal. He was, as best we can understand, a vessel—an English-born, boy-defined body that only hosted that dark-mattered and starry-minded energy, an energy that was alien and immortal. But mourners, what a beautiful vessel this Bowie was, indeed: blonde and svelte, with yin yang eyes that both prophesized his death at 69, and symbolized his entire existence as dual-natured ( yinyang “dark—bright”). Is this human? It’s damn near Biblical, Classical, Science-Fictive. This is why his death is so unacceptable. How do you know a star has died if you can still feel it its warmth, but you cannot see it? In perfect balance, the thought strikes that perhaps Bowie had just the opposite experience as death nestled in: seeing more and feeling less. In “Blackstar,” he begs us to realize that death is not a black hole. The black star is Bowie’s final incarnation and, though we cannot visualize it, a dead giveaway. Truly, he is eulogizing his own funeral; always the changeling reincarnationist, Bowie does predict:

Something happened on the day he died
Spirit rose a metre and stepped aside
Somebody else took his place, and bravely cried
I’m a black star

These are the last words of a dying man glimpsing his own eternity; his first cryptic notes from within the energized vacuum. It is no surprise this last record is the first without his image—he was preparing to take a new form.

Black is not the lack of color, it is the absorption of all light. Truly, he’s now fully illuminated: just follow the traces, and take great comfort in having loved the closest incarnation of what we are all composed, and to what he has now returned—star dust.

Semiclassical Gravity

Eric D. Carlson,
Associate Professor of Physics
Wake Forest University, North Carolina

Gravity, alone of the four forces of nature, has not been incorporated into the Standard Model of particle physics. There is simply no obvious way to quantize the theory, and make sure that all standard model particles are included. Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity (G.R.), explains how space and time will respond to the classical stress-energy-momentum tensor.

The conventional approach to applying general relativity to physically relevant situations is to treat space-time as locally flat, work out any relevant non-gravity properties of the matter (such as the equation of state) including quantum effects, and then to solve the G.R. equations. This might seem the best you can do. In the presence of strong gravitational fields, or high curvature, it should be expected that this approach yields, at best, a crude approximation.

The goal of Semi-Classical Gravity is to go one step beyond this. Although it is impossible (at present) to predict what the quantum effect of strong curvature on space-time might be, it is possible to determine the effect of strong curvature on various matter fields. Furthermore, if the number of matter fields is large compared to the number of new fields coming from quantum gravity, it is to be expected that the quantum effects will be dominated by the effects of the matter fields. If we treat space-time as fixed, then we can determine how quantum fluctuations in matter fields can cause changes in the local stress-energy-momentum tensor. Quantum mechanically, these will have unpredictable random fluctuations. As an approximation, we can take a quantum mechanical average of these fluctuations. This averaging is the essence of semi-classical gravity. Matter fields are treated as quantum mechanical in a curved space-time background. The equations of G.R. are solved classically, with the classical stress-energy-momentum tensor replaced with the quantum mechanical average value.

For simplicity, semi-classical gravity is normally calculated using non-interacting scalar fields. However, the only real fundamental scalar field, the Higgs, has at best an uncertain detection. The vast majority of matter fields are spin-half fields, or fermions. In conjunction with Dr. Paul Anderson and Peter Groves, we are currently attempting to develop a practical computational formalism for finding the stress-energy-momentum tensor due to fermion fields. We are working initially with static, spherically symmetric spacetimes and working out a WKB-type analytic approximation for the stress-energy-momentum tensor.

At first, we are working only with massless fermions, but we plan to shortly generalize to massive fermions. Once the WKB approximation has been worked out, we can numerically solve the differential equations to find more exact solutions.